Commissioned Work: “An Ocean View”

Last week I was asked if I would be able to paint a background for a laser-cut wood sign the couple had received as a Christmas gift. The sign was made and gifted to them by their nephew who owns and operates a company that specializes in laser-cutting and engraving.

The customers and I contemplated what surface I should paint on, how to make it weatherproof, and we ultimately decided that wood would be the best option. I sent them an article on how the wood needed to be prepared for outdoor use before I could begin painting, and they agreed to do that prep work so I could just paint the background.

Once I received the prepared wood, I started by tracing around the laser-cut sign with pencil in order to get my horizon line and sand area in the correct place.

Next, I had to set up my studio! Since I’m currently being a snowbird in Florida in our RV, I got out my portable art studio and got situated at our kitchen table. I love my RV workspace!

With my reference photo on my iPad beside me, the next step was to choose all my colors and get my pallet ready.

To start my painting, I mixed some retarder to craft white paint and painted over the entire sky area. The retarder slows down the drying time of the paint, and helps with color blending on your canvas (or wood in this case). Once that first layer was applied, I then added the oranges, reds, and yellows to create the sunset.

Now for the ocean. I used various shades of the blue mixed with white and/or black, and added some waves here and there.

Once I had the ocean mapped out, I started working on the sand. I forgot to take a photo of the paints I used, but I mixed up some brown, white, orange, and probably threw in some red to create some sky reflected in the sand.

I decided to call it a night and work more on it the next day. In the morning, I added a LOT more, including brightening up the sky with more yellows, adding more details to the ocean, and changing the color of the sand.

After it was all said and done, I finally called it quits! Here is the final painting and what it will look like once the laser-cut sign is glued to it.

I am very pleased with how it turned out, and my customers are extremely happy and excited! That’s what it’s all about!

If you are interested in these beautiful laser-cut signs and their other products, check out DayLight Promotions, and tell them I sent you!

“An Ocean View” is a calming ocean scene that reminds me of how much I love the beach! I love sitting in my beach chair, relaxing right by the water with my feet in the sand as the water gently flows over them. It’s one of my happy places!

Do you enjoy the ocean? I hope you leave me a comment and let me know what you think of my painting, and your thought about the ocean. Until the next time, stay creative!

“You rule over the surging sea; when its waves mount up, you still them.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭89‬:‭9‬ ‭NIV‬‬


  1. This is absolutely gorgeous. I am an ocean lover!! It’s my happy place (even when I live far away, as I usually do). You did a great job–the colors are just right. Thanks for sharing this post at the Will Blog for Comments #20 linkup this week. I hope to see you there next week also sharing more posts–new or old! Have a great week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Jennifer! I also love the beach, and wish I could visit it more often! One of our favorite places is Hilton Head, SC, but we love St. Augustine just as much! Thanks for stopping by!


    1. Thank you, Stephanie! I appreciate the opportunity you provide with your link parties, and I’m so glad you enjoyed my post!


  2. I enjoy the beach too. However, being in Kansas, the drive to the beach is a distance! Your colors are very close to the real scene, beautiful.
    Thank you for sharing at Gma’sPhoto ge•ner•ic Linkup Party.

    Take care and best wishes
    Debra | Gma’sPhoto

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is so beautiful, love the chosen colors. It really makes the piece pop. I am happy to feature your beautiful commissioned art at Love your Creativity.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Linda! I truly appreciate your comment, and thanks so much for visiting me. Looking forward to your next link up!


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